Marloes de Boer
More articles from Marloes de Boer
Seasoned Pharmaceutical Quality expert Lieve de Wolf (External Quality Manager CAR-T & Advanced Therapies at QbD Group), joined our inaugural annual Scilife Summit to answer everything you wanted to know about novel GTMPs and ATMPs, specifically ...
Today, the Quality conversation is no longer about making the digital leap from an outdated paper-based Quality Management System (a traditional QMS) to managing your Quality processes with electronic Quality Management software (an eQMS). That trans...
It seems like everything around us is turning ‘Smart’. Usually, that refers to objects like cars, appliances, and wearables being digitized, connecting to your devices, or operating with A.I. capabilities. ‘Smart’ can also allude to integrating with ...
Recently, our Scilife CEO Filip invited Mika Siitonen, Medical Development Manager at Labquality and seasoned expert in medical device regulatory guidelines, to answer anything and everything you wanted to know about performing Risk Management under ...
The path to continuous improvement is well within research. It starts with Quality by Design (QbD): a process that elevates product quality as a result of comprehensive risk management strategies. This article will outline what Quality by Design enta...
Life is pretty stressful for most of us. Although that might not stand to change any time soon, there are tried and tested ways in which employers can help significantly ease the mental health burden on their employees.
What actually makes a ‘good’ leader good, in a sector like the life sciences today? Leadership is not just a singular quality, of course. It’s the use of a whole rich skillset. The talent of being adept at multiple skills simultaneously. And not just...
We wouldn’t be where we are today if it weren’t for the countless scientific discoveries made by pioneering women from around the globe. Their tireless efforts and groundbreaking work have, without exaggeration, saved millions of lives. When it comes...
Continuous improvement, the practice of constantly striving to be better, is the goal of modern day self development and countless business philosophies. It’s an interesting goal to embrace too, because by definition perfection can never actually be ...
A well-trained and reliable workforce is fundamental. It’s the lifeblood that drives any process to run smoothly, especially in GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices). In the life sciences industry, potentially life-saving knowledge and critical complian...
Stacks of paper, what a hassle! Staying on top of who printed what, where, and when is a common struggle for many life science companies. Document reconciliation is even more of a challenge. Printing may be unavoidable, but staying compliant and keep...
Paper strewn about the company is a regulation nightmare, especially for industries in the Life Sciences. It’s not just about supervising who has access to printed documents (and who printed them off in the first place), but also about collecting and...
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