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Customer Story Divasa-Farmavic

Scilife helps Divasa-Farmavic make the leap from a paper-based quality system to an eQMS

  • Streamlined review process through Scilife’s Document Control solution
  • Increased traceability across SOPs, deviations and training
  • Alignment with GMP regulations through smart quality features

Content Table


About Divasa-Farmavic

The Search

The Set Up

Favorite Features

Expert Advice

The Results

Divasa Farmavic choses Scilife eQMS to improve their Document Control and GMP compliance | Scilife


About Divasa-Farmavic

DIVASA-FARMAVIC is a family-owned company located in Vic, Barcelona, that is present in more than 50 countries worldwide through commercial agreements. Founded in 1970 as a veterinary pharmaceutical company, it is dedicated to manufacturing products for the health and well-being of both production and companion animals.

Alba Merino Reyes, Deputy Technical Director (QP) at Divasa-Farmavic, along with Aina Segalés Verdaguer, Quality Assurance Technician at Divasa-Farmavic, recently engaged in a virtual meeting with Fabiola Samueli, Customer Success Representative, to discuss their experience with Scilife as their eQMS. 



The Search

As their company grew, they came to a crucial realization: a transformation was essential to keep their pharmaceutical laboratory abreast of current regulations, ensuring not just compliance but a culture of continuous improvement. The decision was clear – a shift from the traditional paper-based approach to a dynamic digital solution. In the words of Aina:

“We used to operate solely on paper, but recognizing the imperative to enhance our quality assurance system, we pinpointed an eQMS as the optimal solution. Scilife stood out as the perfect fit for Divasa-Farmavic.”

When questioned about the decisive transition from paper to digital, the response from Alba shared a simple yet impactful perspective:

"We chose to evolve. We held a company-wide vote and took a collective decision to embrace progress."



The Set Up

The journey continued as Scilife seamlessly integrated into Divasa-Farmavic's operations, paving the way for an efficient and streamlined quality management system.

The support provided by Scilife during both implementation and ongoing usage was exceptional, as emphasized by Alba: 

"The setup process was well-organized, and widely utilized, and the training and information provided throughout the implementation were of high quality. This helped us swiftly and efficiently integrate the new system into our workflow."


As Scilife newcomers, they've kicked off their journey with Document Control and Training modules, gearing up for the exciting addition of Change Control in the near future. Aina expressed enthusiasm, saying:

"We are eager to work with the Risk Management module. We've tested it, and it's very intuitive. Once we have everything up and running, we can't wait to incorporate it into our processes."



Favorite Features

When discussing their favorite Scilife features, both Aina and Alba revealed a range of functionalities that significantly enhanced their daily workflow.

Aina's standout preferences prominently feature Scilife's dashboard functionality, providing her with seamless control and accessibility to essential documents, elevating work organization and efficiency. In her own words:

"The dashboard provides a quick view of pending actions and documents related to my role. The ability to mark favorites and apply filters not only streamlines my workflow but, remarkably, sustains its effectiveness even when Scilife is closed."

The option to create and customize tags within Scilife adds a visually intuitive layer to the platform, offering a personalized and efficient way to categorize and organize documents.

Alba echoed this sentiment, expressing her appreciation for the flexibility and options that accompany this feature. Additionally, she commented on another favorite aspect:

Photo of Alba Merino Reyes, Deputy Technical Director (QP) at Divasa-Farmavic | Scilife
"The audit trail, for me, is important across all documents. It ensures traceability, providing insight into every action performed on the files. It's the key to maintaining a transparent and accountable document workflow."
Alba Merino Reyes, Deputy Technical Director (QP) at Divasa-Farmavic

Both Aina and Alba discovered significant value in Scilife's dual search functionality, which goes beyond traditional title searches by enabling users to find documents based on their content. Aina, in particular, emphasized:

"You can effortlessly search for a document by its title or by the content itself. This proves to be exceptionally useful when you remember details within a document but not necessarily its title.”



Expert Advice

When asked if they would recommend Scilife to other organizations, both responded with a resounding "Yes, of course!" When offering advice to companies considering implementing an eQMS, Alba shared the following valuable insights:

“So the key is to establish a calendar of actions and ensure correct training for all personnel involved. Above all, to carry out tests in the test environment provided by Scilife, which makes the transition to the production environment very simple and easy to implement.”



The Results

One of the most pivotal advantages that Scilife has brought to Divisa-Farmavic is its seamless transition from a paper-based system to digital. Aina underscores the transformative nature of this shift, emphasizing how it has fundamentally changed their operational landscape: 

“In our case, we have taken a big step by completely changing the management of our quality system from a paper-based approach to an eQMS. Thanks to Scilife, this transition has been easier to manage, and we have noticed significant improvements in our quality system within a short period.”

The move to Scilife's digital platform has also notably improved communication and collaboration among team members. Information is readily accessible, facilitating swift decision-making and eliminating delays inherent in traditional paper-based processes. In contrast, the previous paper-based SOP review system led to communication complexities, involving multiple emails and the risk of lost correspondence amid the daily hustle.

However, Scilife's Document Control module has resulted in a notable change, as highlighted by Aina:


“Thanks to Scilife and its Document Control module, every review comment now reaches the recipient faster and more efficiently. The entire review process flows seamlessly, putting an end to the constant need for emails or calls.”


Finally, the integration of Scilife’s smart quality features, such as the dashboard displaying pending actions and the audit trail capturing all activities and changes, has not only aligned with GMP regulations but has also played a pivotal role in shaping a proactive mindset. According to Aina: 

“Scilife has enhanced the mindset and fostered a sense of responsibility. During user training, we emphasized that signing a document isn't merely a formality; it's a commitment to taking responsibility for what you’re signing.”


Ultimately, Scilife has not just provided a technological solution; it has become a catalyst for cultural and operational shifts within Divisa-Farmavic, marking a significant milestone in their journey towards enhanced efficiency, transparency, and an increased commitment to quality.

Photo of Aina Segalés Verdaguer, Quality Assurance Technician at Divasa-Farmavic | Scilife
“Thanks to Scilife and its Document Control module, every review comment now reaches the recipient faster and more efficiently. The entire review process flows seamlessly, putting an end to the constant need for emails or calls.”
Aina Segalés Verdaguer, Quality Assurance Technician at Divasa-Farmavic

Finally, the integration of Scilife’s smart quality features, such as the dashboard displaying pending actions and the audit trail capturing all activities and changes, has not only aligned with GMP regulations but has also played a pivotal role in shaping a proactive mindset. According to Aina: 

“Scilife has enhanced the mindset and fostered a sense of responsibility. During user training, we emphasized that signing a document isn't merely a formality; it's a commitment to taking responsibility for what you’re signing.”


Ultimately, Scilife has not just provided a technological solution; it has become a catalyst for cultural and operational shifts within Divisa-Farmavic, marking a significant milestone in their journey towards enhanced efficiency, transparency, and an increased commitment to quality.

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