Companies need to deal with lots of forms. They’re usually dense and dull.
Employees create, fill in, print and sign off many forms throughout processes and workflows. These forms are typically crowded with detail and data fields. It’s a recipe for potential mistakes, frustration, and losing time.
Intuitive, customizable digital forms
are just a few clicks away

- Build your perfect form out of checkboxes, drop-down options, text fields, and more.
- Enable users to upload files and customize form details to your heart's content.
- Base your form on intuitive pre-designed templates or start from scratch. It’s all possible!
Declutter your forms by setting up triggers to activate or deactivate form sections depending on your user’s input. That means extra form sections will appear for them to fill in when they enter a certain value or check a specific box. It also means that those sections aren’t visible otherwise, which is a real space saver and prevents mistakes.
- Keep your forms stored and private in our secure cloud database
- Export, share or print any form, anytime you need
- Search forms and any data within them with the search functionality
Set up digital approval workflows by enabling approvers to sign off forms with their electronic signatures directly within the Scilife platform. That means no more printing and passing along bits of paper, or sending emails back and forth!