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Scilife Handbook

Navigating Good Distribution Practices (GDP)


Get practical guidance on implementing GDP to ensure compliance and protect medicinal product integrity and patient safety. Enter your details below to receive your copy instantly via email.

Navigating Good Distribution Practices (GDP)
What's inside the Navigating GDP Handbook | Scilife
Introduction inside Navigating GDP handbook | Scilife
What is GDP explanation inside Navigating GDP handbook | Scilife

Why download?

This expert handbook, brought to you by life sciences leader Scilife, is your go-to resource for mastering GDP and training your staff. You’ll find everything you need to stay audit-ready, reduce risks, and ensure safe medicine distribution. Inside, you’ll discover:

  • An introduction to GDP and its importance in medicine distribution.
  • The global regulatory framework shaping GDP compliance.
  • A deep dive into key GDP components based on the EU GDP Guideline 2013/C 343/01 - from quality risk management to supplier qualifications, transportation, and much more.
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