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Discover your ROI

Provide your business information below to calculate your potential savings with Scilife. You can modify these figures for more accurate predictions.

Quality staff
What is the average salary of a quality staff member per year?

Sum up the salaries of multiple individuals and divide by the number of individuals.

Average Salary = Total Salary of Quality Staff Members / Number of Quality Staff Members

How many hours does a quality staff member work per week?

Consider the staff member's work schedule, including regular hours, overtime, and any additional factors that may affect their weekly commitment. Subtract any breaks and meal times during the workday.

Document management
What is the number of active documents in your quality management system?

Active documents are typically those that are currently in use, relevant, and up to date.

For example: Policies, SOPs, Work Instructions, forms, protocols, reports, specifications, analytical methods, and any other document types relevant to your quality management processes.

How many hours per cycle is required for the lifecycle management of each document?

Although different document types have varying levels of complexity, which can affect the time required for their lifecycle management, consider the time:

  • It takes to create, revise, and get approval for a document
  • Generating PDF documents or printing the master document
  • Checking the master list for documents due for revision
  • Sending emails for review
  • Collecting stakeholder signatures at each stage of the document management cycle
    Establishing reminders
  • Updating metadata
Training records management
How many training records do you manage per year (read & understood documents and trainings)?

Consider the total number of documents that need to be read & understood by final users, and training

How many hours do you spend tracking, compiling, and reporting training records?

Consider the time:

  • Accessing the original document
  • Spent reading and understanding
  • Compiling, assigning and organizing training
  • Reporting reading, understanding, and training records
  • Managing the entire lifecycle
Quality events, CAPAs, and change management
How many deviations, non-conformities, complaints, and quality events are opened each month?

Consider the total number of deviations, non-conformities, complaints, out-of-specification results, and any other type of quality event per month.

On average, how many hours do you currently spend per quality event?

Consider the time for:

  • Event creation
  • Root-cause analysis
  • Reporting
  • Event responses preparation and CAPAs creation
  • Managing CAPAs resolution
  • Trending and KPIs
  • CAPAs effectiveness check
Saving per year with Scilife
$ 0,0
Cost per year
without Scilife
$ 0,0
Hours saved each
year with Scilife
Additionally, by switching to Scilife, you will be saving…
Costs of storage

Include the following:

(10 cabinets x 200$) + (10 shelves x 150$) = 3500$/year

$ 0.0
Cost of printing

Include the following:

* Cost of purchasing paper for documentation: 100.000 pages x 0.02$/page = 2000$/year

* Cost of ink/toner and maintenance: 100.000 pages x 0.05$/page = 5000$/year

* Cost of printers and copiers = 3000$/year

$ 0.0
Hours locating documents

Employee time searching for paper documents, assuming 100 employees x 2.5h/week x 52 weeks/year = 130h/year

Here’s how your business could improve with Scilife

Saving cost with Scilife

$ 0,0
improve_icon_1 0%
improve_icon_2 0%
improve_icon_3 0%

Document management

Cost without Scilife
$ 0,0
Hours saved with Scilife
Saving with Scilife
$ 0
per year

Training records management

Cost without Scilife
$ 0,0
Hours saved with Scilife
Saving with Scilife
$ 0
per year

Quality event management

Cost without Scilife
$ 0,0
Hours saved with Scilife
Saving with Scilife
$ 0
per year

This calculator is provided to give you an idea of the saving you will unlock with Scilife. All numbers are estimates.



Improve the efficiency of your quality workflows by 80%

Curious to find out how much your current QMS is costing you and how much you could save with Scilife? We can help you work out the numbers.

Turn quality into your brightest asset with Scilife 

When we embrace quality, brilliant things happen!
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