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Data Security and Recovery: Let's Get Protected

At Scilife, safeguarding your data is a matter of great importance.
We understand the significance of data security and compliance in the life sciences industry.


your data

Hosted on Secure and Compliant Cloud Infrastructure

The Scilife platform is set up in a virtual Private cloud (scalable) in Amazon AWS.

Data is always encrypted, both in transit (between your browser and the platform) and at rest (when data is stored). According to Gartner’s magic quadrant, compliance is another reason why Amazon AWS is considered a best-in-class cloud provider. It meets all the essential compliance standards required in the Life Sciences industry.



Disaster-proof Backup Technology

All your data is fully encrypted, private and backed up. For document storage, we use the Amazon S3 service. This service instantly duplicates a file across three distinct global regions upon upload, ensuring a robust data backup strategy.

Scilife is run on virtual application servers in the cloud, allowing it to scale out and scale down automatically depending on the usage demand at any particular moment. This results in cost savings on infrastructure, providing a highly affordable solution for our clients. Additionally, it offers protection against server failure, as new servers are swiftly activated within minutes if hardware malfunctions are identified. To ensure database data security, a snapshot is captured every 5 minutes as part of our data backup strategy, with backups retained for a 30-day period.