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Eefke Heitbrink, Finance Manager at Scilife

Eefke Heibrink
Finance Manager

“Wish it, dream it, do it.”

Patiently choreographing Scilife finances



Having started her career as a dance performer and instructor, Eefke turned to accountancy and finance - honing her skills in bookkeeping and staff management as she ran a ballet school. In an amalgamation of her passion and professional growth, she uses her wealth of experience as our Finance Manager at Scilife - constantly seeking innovative solutions to simplify processes, automate tasks, and foster collaboration between departments.

Patience is Eefke’s superpower, a skill she cultivated during her time as a dance instructor and now finds invaluable in financial operations. Working across departments, it’s an ability she needs to ensure optimal efficiency. She firmly believes that you can achieve anything as long as you believe in yourself. And having picked up the saxophone to replace the dancing of her past, she fine-tunes all the Scilife accounting.